Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Fab40s melded right into Fab50s now that I've had a few years in here's my thoughts. It is fab. Despite having MS these past 14 years giving up alcohol and mascara at 50 has done wonders. LOL The booze was making me sick even if it was only one drink. Stomach issues 1 pill in the morning 1 before dinnah 2 at bedtime. Ah yes fab 50's and pills. A daily probiotic is a must. Vitamin D3 help keep the bones going, those lovely chocolate calcium chews are a tasty treat and the occasional Tylenol for whatever aches. On a positive note no more midol and all the pain mess that comes with that issue.  I'd take a quick hot flash over that any day.

When I worked there was the ritual of getting dressed, makeup and of course the mascara wand. Now I may put on some BB cream with SPF20, little dab of color on the cheeks, define a brow pencil (over plucking from the 80s they never grew back) and done.  Only special occasions does the mascara come out, its so freeing not to be slave to that.

I've noticed the commercials and ads for "lifestyle lift" and "wrinkle reducers". Good grief why do I have to hide or fight something that happens naturally? Ok ok I color my hair to hide those grays but it started with "sun in" spray at 16 to highlight been every color since. Someday hair coloring will go away too let it go.

The wrinkles are gonna come and I will continue to slather on good old Vaseline at night that Tracy's mom Rose swears by and her skin is lovely. No need for needles, lazors, plumpers, fillers what the heck is in that injecting stuff ugh. No thanks.  From one decade to the next, leave one set of problems there will be other new ones, that's life. It's all about the attitude make it a good one ~ make it fab.