Wednesday, July 19, 2017


How hard is it to recycle? really? separate trash from plastic paper cardboard tin cans. 4-5 big blue recycle bins behind trash dumpster gets picked up each week how convenient for residents. Thing is all cardboard boxes need to be broken down meaning cut them up into smaller pieces to fit inside blue recycle bins. I get out the scissors break down the amazon box. do I want to do this not really kinda pain but I do it why because that's what the recycle company wants from us in condo land for pick up break them down put inside blue box. INSIDE not outside or on top not broken down ugh!

Every week there are boxes not broken down sitting on top of the blue recycle bin so now with my paper bag full of recycles I have to move your new canon copy machine box or jumbo size diaper box or whatever you got from amazon that was so damn big you just couldn't break it down. no time for that gotta hook up this here new printer let someone else deal just leave it there the guy will take it. Guess what butt head he doesn't take it.  All those boxes get left behind and now guess where they go yup big canon copy machine box that could've been recycled is now in the trash dumpster. sigh

One day at the recycle bin young woman drops in plastic bag full of recycles. I said oh no plastic bags in recycle bins. Her reply really I didn't hear anything about this why don't they tell us. God give me strength. I said the stores will take back the plastic bags (they always have for a long time now) as of July 1st business in Watertown will no longer give them out. Also online Watertown DPW website has recycle quick list of information. Google it. Welcome to the village. Felt like adding oh and invest in a good pair of scissors to cut up your boxes please and thank you.

When going to grade school at Sacred Heart my dad would pop in occasionally with boxes of paper from his job that was going to be thrown away so we could use the paper in the classroom. Its a lovely memory as I was so proud that's my dad!  Way ahead of his time recycle was not something everyone did. Taught me not to waste find another use before throwing it away. The mantra today is Reduce Reuse Repurpose Rethink Recycle or just leave it there for your neighbor to deal with better yet just throw it in the dumpstah. 

To finish on a good note I was given an electric grill for my deck. No grill stand no problem. My mom's retro back in the day iron board collecting dust in the basement has become a repurpose. shabby chic vintage. Re imagine indeed.

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