Saturday, October 27, 2018

Camp Mohawk

I follow Camp Mohawk on facebook its an all girls camp that I worked at two summers 1978 and or 79 foggy on the dates.  It was the first time away from home left on a bus from South Station trying to hold back tears as my mom and brother faded away from view. "First time away from home" the man beside me said it must have been obvious. Maybe the tears did flow. The first year was in the camp office. My duties were to help the directors paper work, answer the phone and announce over the PA system "time for Ahts and Crafts" my Boston accent for all to hear in the hills of Connecticut. Second year I was in the office and also got to help out in the Ahts and crafts cabin!

Camp Mohawk posts photos of current activities and occasionally old photos from back in the day as it has been around since 1920. One day they posted a photo demolishing the office. My heart sank. The office is the first building you see pulling into camp its headquarters, the heart of the place.

The director noted it was time to upgrade and make it bigger for today's use along with the stables for the horses.


Happy to see the new office was rebuilt and looks better with more room. Such a beautiful place with fond memories and memories to be made for so many girls to come. Change is good. Keep up the Mohawk Spirit xo

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